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Addiction is one of the more significant social problems in America. Science overwhelmingly supports the identification of alcoholism and, by extension, drug addiction, as a disease process which progressively overwhelms a person’s ability to think rationally about the substance or behavior to which they are addicted.

Chemical Addictions

Alcohol AddictionDr. Fuller has worked in this field for over twenty years. The first order of business with substance abuse is to determine whether the client is using substances to block out some emotional or painful experience, or whether they are in the grip of a progressive and often fatal illness. The problem can be, and often is, a combination of both of these factors.

He works collaboratively with the client to help them make this determination and to develop a strategy for successfully overcoming the problem.

Dr. Fuller utilizes an integrated mind/body/spirit approach to assist clients in overcoming addictions – borrowing from the fields of mindfulness, cognitive therapy, yoga, energy psychology, 12-step programs, and the field of consciousness research (See Power vs Force, by David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.)

Behavioral Addictions

Dr. Fuller also treats behavioral (non-chemical) addictions, most often:

  • Gambling
  • Compulsive Overeating
  • Sexual Compulsivity
  • “Love Addiction”
  • Compulsive Spending

If you are suffering from an addiction Dr. Fuller can help.

Please note that Dr. Fuller has had no formal training with Dr. David Hawkins, nor has  Dr. Hawkins endorsed Dr. Fuller’s work.