The information on this website is intended to convey information only. Any health condition should be evaluated and treated by an appropriate healthcare professional. No doctor patient relationship is implied or actualized by contact with this website or contact with Dr. Fuller’s office until formally agreed upon in writing (NOT via email).
Please note that any information conveyed through electronic media (email, fax, voice mail, etc.) will never be sold or shared with other individuals or organizations. You are welcome to communicate with Dr. Fuller via email but, due to the inherent inability to control electronically transmitted information, confidentiality cannot be assumed. You assume responsibility for any accidental disclosure of personal information as a result of others having access to your email accounts, including your employer.
Links to other webites are provided as a public service only. Although Dr. Fuller has screened these sites for their usefulness, he is not responsible for their accuracy, reliability or content. Links to this site are permitted, provided that the link does not falsely imply or suggest that Dr. Fuller has endorsed or is affiliated with the linked site.
Do not use email to communicate with Dr. Fuller in the event of a crisis or emergency. If you are unable to reach Dr. Fuller by telephone, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.
Please note that energy psychology is considered an experimental treatment and is somewhat controversial. While rapid results occur with regularity, each patient’s response varies according to multiple variables, and no promises are made or implied through the statements on this website. Each patient will be made aware of these issues in detail prior to making the decision to begin treatment.
Copyright © 2011 Russell F. Fuller, J.D., Psy.D. All rights reserved . No content may be copied or reproduced without written authorization.